Terms of Service
I understand and agree that all Materials, concepts, and information (“Material”) presented in relation to the RedTeam Security Training, LLC training program and which are protected by Trademark or Copyright laws are the property of RedTeam Security Training, LLC. I understand that any Material presented in training, seminars, presentations, consultation, and/or coaching is intended solely for use of immediate Participants while employed by or volunteering on behalf of my sponsoring organization. I understand that I may discuss and use these Materials for the purpose of implementing the Materials with other staff at my sponsoring organization but that this Agreement is intended to indicate my understanding that I am not permitted to reproduce or distribute these Materials. I understand that while I am welcome to benefit from such Materials through the immediate organization that sponsors me, I agree not to 1) reproduce, distribute, resell, modify and sell, or repackage and sell the Materials; or 2) use these Materials to provide fundraising training for any clients, affiliates, chapters, organizational subdivisions, or other organizations with whom I have an interest whether or not for financial remuneration. I therefore agree not to deliver the Materials themselves, either reproduced or modified, as part of any seminar, training program, workshop, consulting, or similar formal business activity that I make available to my clients, affiliates, or to the public for the purpose of personal financial gain or otherwise. I agree that I will first obtain the written consent of Jeremiah Talamantes and RedTeam Security Training, LLC should I wish to use any Materials from RedTeam Security Training, LLC either directly or indirectly in any seminar, training program, workshop, consulting, or similar business activity which I make available to the organization that sponsors me, my clients, affiliates, or to the public, whether for the purpose of personal financial gain or otherwise, either during the course of this Participation or at any time thereafter.